
Specifies the style on which the style being edited is based.

Command constructor

PBasedOn(const char * sBasedOn);
Name of the style on which the edited style is based, exactly as it appears in the Based On option in the Edit Style dialog box (maximum of 31 characters)
Use PBasedOn with PStyleBegin and PStyleEnd. Use this command only after the PStyleBegin command, which marks the beginning of a style definition and specifies the name of the style being defined or edited. Use the PStyleEnd command to complete the definition.

Example. The following example defines the new style "Heading 2" (or edits an existing style by that name), and specifies "Heading 1" as the style on which it is based. It then identifies the style in the paragraphs that follow "Heading 2."

PStyleBegin("Heading 2");
PBasedOn("Heading 1");

See also

The PHyphenation, PNextStyle, PParaOptions, PStyleBegin, PStyleEnd, and PTabs commands

The PGetBasedOn query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Define Styles

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